Monday, April 6, 2009

So it Begins, with an End and a Beginning

I suppose I should say something to mark the opening of this journal. As with most of my creative endeavors, it has sprung up as a response to an upheaval; one of those strange occasions in life where you find yourself pushed off a precipice, not knowing how far down you will fall or where you will land. For some reason, there is no impetus to motion like that which accompanies a romantic loss. Whether the passion and pain bubbling to the surface are the perfect stress factor for change and movement, or whether it is simply the need to re-invent one's self in response to a complete breakdown in self-confidence, such events have always brought forth a sudden outpouring of creativity.
Additionally, I must confess I had grown too cozy over the past two years. A shakeup on the grand level was imminent, and perhaps by recording my newest attempt to re-define my life, I will feel somewhat more accountable, and hold myself to all of my resolutions for this coming summer. So, let these pages catalog my successes and failures at becoming the most productive and creative man that I can be.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you started a blog! I'm adding a link to my blog, so you'd better keep writing!
